Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Rupert Murdoch to be interviewed over phone hacking

Scotland Yard wants to question News Corp. (NASDAQ:NWSA) CEO Rupert Murdoch as a "suspect" in connection with phone hacking at his British newspapers, the Guardian reported Tuesday.
Murdoch and Scotland Yard had agreed to hold off until the News of the World phone hacking
trial concluded before the publishing mogul talks to detectives.
On Tuesday, former News of
the World editor Andy Coulson was found guilty.of conspiring to hack phones while his former
colleague Rebekah Brooks was cleared in the  case.
Murdoch's son, News Corp. Deputy Chief Operating Officer James Murdoch, is also
scheduled to be interviewed as a suspect in the probe, according to the Guardian, which said the
discussions are expected to occur "in the near future."
Coulson's conviction Tuesday opens up News U
K, News Corp.'s British subsidiary, to potential
corporate charges as well as counts against Rupert and James Murdoch, according to the Guardian, a paper that has doggedly pursued the scandal for years now.

But the individuals would only be charged if it's found that "controlling minds" at News UK were guilty of a crime.
The jury that returned the verdict is still considering additional charges against Coulson,
a former top aide to Prime Minister David Cameron, including whether he paid officials to access private royal phone books.
The charges stemmed from the revelation that News of the World journalists hacked the phones of everyone from the royal family to
movie stars to missing (and murdered) teen Milly Dowler in an attempt to get scoops from
2004 to 2006.


  1. look at that ugly face... Lol #mouthsealed before he hacks my phone o

  2. Blessing obinna Ukah25 June 2014 at 01:51

    Hahahahahahahah, nna men dis face looks like shit. Ewoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ishola hafeez olalekan25 June 2014 at 12:10

    Urgly in face but reach in pocket,God wrk z miracle.

  4. c as e face b!!! e no knw say e don old?

  5. ishola hafeez olalekan26 June 2014 at 08:54

    Old but rich.

  6. Lolz, funny sha

  7. ishola hafeez olalekan27 June 2014 at 21:46

    Urgly but rich

  8. Blessing obinna Ukah30 June 2014 at 23:56

    u too wor wor
